Friday, December 4, 2009

Maiden Post

As a fourth-generation Seattleite, born and raised on the mean streets of Capitol Hill, the love of this city is bred into my genes.  I have left twice - Washington, DC and New Orleans - but no matter how much I loved those towns, something kept pulling me back.  There is nothing I love more than exploring different shops, eating meals I can't afford at new restaurants and checking out events happening right in the center of Seattle.

So...why am I writing about life in Northeast Seattle? Good question.
Love.  I did it all for Love.  Sorry, that probably made you throw up a little in your mouth (I know I did!), but it's true.  I fell so hard for a boy that I moved to the boonies AKA Lake City.  Being the eternal optimist, and one never to turn down a challenge, I became determined to find the best of everything I love right in my new neighborhood.

I quickly realized my hood was actually three or four of them.  For coffee, I walk into Wedgwood; groceries are usually bought at the ghetto-fabulous Lake City Fred Meyer or the Roosevelt Whole Foods if I'm feeling fancy.  Hangover brunch is best had at Jake's on Sandpoint.  I could go on and on.  For me, I treat all of NE Seattle as my neighborhood. So like any other red-blooded American, under the age of 40, I decided to start a blog about it.

So here we go...


rebecca said...

well done blog would love to be linked to yours.
thank you,
anne and rebecca

Anonymous said...

What about Meadowbrook? Your blog surrounds us but doesn't include us. :o(